Monday 8 April 2013

Grade 10 D Solve this Questions & take a print !!!! get it in the next class

November 2002-P3
7 Which organisation controls the banking system in most countries?
A central bank                         B commercial bank                  C investment bank                   D World Bank
November 2003-P1
9 What function do central banks and commercial banks have in common?
A acting as a banker's bank                                    B controlling monetary policy
C dealing with foreign exchange                             D supervising the banking system
November 2004-P3
4 Why do bank notes function as money?
A They are durable.                                B They are generally acceptable.                            C They count as legal tender.                 D They have intrinsic value.

8 To whom does the central bank usually make loans?
A individuals                            B limited companies                                C the government                   D trade unions
November 2006-P3
6 Why might a country’s central bank raise its interest rate?
A to encourage saving
B to increase the money supply
C to raise funds for the government
D to reduce the level of employmen
November 2007-P3
4 In wartime conditions, cigarettes have been used as money. What disadvantage do cigarettes have for trading compared with notes and coins?
A They cannot act as a medium of exchange.                                        B They have no intrinsic value.
C They lack durability.                                                                             D They make a double coincidence of wants necessary.

6 In most countries which organisation controls the banking system?
A central bank                                         B commercial bank
C investment bank                                   D World Bank
November 2008-P3
18 Why might a person buy ordinary shares on the stock exchange rather than put the money in a savings account?
A to earn a fixed income                                         B to gain a high return
C to keep money in a safe place                             D to start a company

A Level June 2003-P1
4 What is the most abundant form of money (measured by value) in a developed economy?
A bank deposits                       B cash                     C cheques                               D credit cards
A Level June 2008-P1
4 What is not an essential characteristic of money?
A It must have intrinsic value.                                  B It must be generally acceptable as a means of settling debts.
C It must serve as a unit of account.                       D It must be limited in supply.

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