Wednesday 4 April 2012

Solve the project - HDI

Dear Student of grade 10 D & F
Take a print & solve the project
Assignment One
Microeconomics of Development

In this assignment you will have the firsthand experience is calculating the HDI for 100 countries. This would give you a better sense of the level of development in these countries and enable you to understand the role of education, health and income in economic development.
To get started

  1. Go to

  1. Download the variables needed to calculate the HDI for 100 countries of your choice. Make sure your sample has at least 30 countries from each of the high, medium and low human developed countries. Download the GDP per capita (PPP) variable for these countries.

Is the HDI an improvement over the GDP per capita as indicator of development? Please answer in light of the following:

1.      Calculate the HDI for your selected sample. Compare with the HDI estimate provided by the UNDP.

2.      Compare ranking of countries by the HDI and by the GDP per capita (PPP) for your sample. [Sort countries from lowest to highest HDI values and GDP/N values]

3.      Do you see any automatic link between a nation’s per capita income and its level of human development?

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